In my society, justice is found
through the tribe itself. As in many cultures in the continent of Africa, when
someone has done a wrongdoing, the tribe comes together and surrounds the
accused person for 72 hours. The person may not eat or drink and must cleanse
themselves of the sin they have committed. Whilst doing so the surrounding tribe
members stand and list all of the good things that the accused person has done
creating almost a circle of positive energy for the accused person to be
enveloped in. The kind and healing energies help the accused person to better
understand what they did was wrong and teaches them not to do it again in the
future. The tribe believes that this is a more affective method of justice
rather than punishing the accused person by, say throwing them into a cell of
solitude, because they believe that with enough kindness, it can purge the soul
and spirit of the accused and rid them of the evil that made them do the act in
the first place.
By this method of justice, the
tribe is able to grow and thrive as a whole unit rather than separate entities.
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